TILOS Linear Software Updated: Version 10.1 MR 1 has been released

TRIMBLE TILOS has released a new version of TILOS linear scheduling software which provides enhancements to XML export and import functionality.

Using the TILOS XML exporter and importer provides the following functionality:

● transfer large amounts of data to and from other software

● exchange data between different versions of TILOS In the past, the intent of this exchange format was focused on the former scenario: exchanging XML with other applications; this is why problems were slow to arise from the latter scenario.

The current exchange scope contains all data needed (true data, not including graphical settings).

Starting with TILOS version 10.1 MR 1, you can exchange a richer set of data using the XML exporter and importer, which will help you when you need to revert to an earlier TILOS version, such as going from version 10.1 MR 1 to version 10.1. The new, more complete exchange profile includes all available tokens.

All TILOS users should be using version 10.1 MR 1.

Contact your dealer to install the update